Pets, Plants, and Computer Vision

FRC 830 Drive Train First Run

February 10th, 2013 | Posted by admin in Ann Arbor | automation | Automation Alley | code | demo | FIRST | Maker Works | Michigan | pics or it didn't happen | robots - (Comments Off on FRC 830 Drive Train First Run)

It took a lot of work, but we finally have a working drive train and shooter. Now we just need to put the two together, add the pickup mechanism, and we are ready for competition.

Big Announcement

March 21st, 2011 | Posted by admin in Ann Arbor | automation | Automation Alley | computer vision | entrepreneurship | industrial computing | Ingenuitas | manufacturing | Michigan | Open Source - (Comments Off on Big Announcement)

I am on my way back to New York from Michigan and it is time to make it official. I have accepted the position of Director of Research and Development at Ingenuitas in Ann Arbor, Michigan. Ingenuitas will be working though the summer to develop an open source hardware/software product for manufacturing inspection systems. We plan on having a demonstration of our early results in September. I will focus specifically on developing an easy to use computer vision system that brings a number of emerging computer vision techniques to the machine inspection domain. I will also seeking potential investors from the New York technology community. We hope to demonstrate that open source has the potential to dramatically reduce manufacturing costs and empower smaller companies to use techniques and quality control measures that were until recently only available to larger manufacturers. The Ingenuitas team also includes my friends Anothny Oliver and Nate Oostendorp. I am really excited for this team as I think we have the perfect mix of skills and experience to get this venture off the ground. Furthermore I am ecstatic to be working on an open source project that has the potential to dramatically change both computer vision and manufacturing for the better. I will post more thoughts about this project when I get a chance.